Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I had an email this week from a lady that had inherited two paintings from her grandmother and discovered that Texas Art Mart had some of this artist's work. She was looking for some background on the artist and wanted to see if she could get an estimate on the value of her paintings.

We contacted the artist and found information that she was looking for.  Just one more way we try to serve our customers. 

The artist she was inquiring about is Delbert "Sleepy" Read. We have several pictures of his work on our web page and will continue to add more. This elderly gentleman still paints every day even though his eyesight is beginning to fail and his hearing is almost gone.  "Sleepy" thinks his art is selling good now because he says, "They think it will increase in value after I'm gone".

Let us know if Texas Art Mart can serve you in any way.

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