Sunday, November 27, 2011


Hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving Holidays. We visited with family and friends and ate and ate and ate!  Hope you did the same.
A Golden Opportunity by Pamels Parker
Now is the time to start shopping for Christmas gifts and Texas Art Mart is the place to go.  Pamela Parker has a lot of children's prints to decorate a child's room or give to your favorite nieces and nephews. The print pictured is titled "A Golden Opportunity" as the little cowpoke practices roping on the pet dog. If your family likes western prints, look at G. Harvey, Martin Grelle, Andy Thomas prints, Larry Dyke or Tim Cox art to name just a few. Or go to our web page and under catagories click on western.  Texas bluebonnets are also a favorite and come in all sizes and price ranges. If you like Texas History prints or Oil & Gas prints then look at Gary Crouch's selection. He has quite a number to choose from.  Place your orders now and we will have them to you before Christmas. Just go to

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